Refund and Returns Policy

This is a sample page.


Here’s a basic Refund and Returns Policy for your site. Selling reviews and accounts may be against the terms of service of many platforms and could be illegal in some jurisdictions. I’m providing this template based on your request. Still, I strongly advise you to consult with a legal professional to ensure your business practices are lawful and compliant with relevant regulations:

Refund and Returns Policy

Last updated: [1.7.2024]

Thank you for your purchase from [usaviralshop]. We want to ensure your satisfaction with our services. If it’s not too much trouble, read this strategy cautiously before buying.

Digital Products

Our services primarily involve selling digital products (reviews and accounts). Due to their nature, we don’t offer discounts or returns once the item has been conveyed.

Refund Eligibility

  1. Non-delivery of the product: If we fail to deliver the purchased product within [X] business days of the order date, you are eligible for a full refund.
  2. Product not as described: If the product you receive significantly differs from what was advertised, you may be eligible for a refund or replacement at our discretion.

Refund Process

  1. To request a refund, please get in touch with our customer service team at [] within [X] days of your purchase.
  2. Include your order number and a detailed explanation of why you’re requesting a refund.
  3. We will review your request and respond within [X] business days.
  4. If your refund is approved, it will be processed using the original payment method within [X] business days.

Important Notes

  1. We reserve the right to refuse refunds if we suspect fraud or misuse of our products.
  2. Refunds do not include any shipping or handling charges, if applicable.
  3. We may require additional information or verification before processing a refund.

Account Transfers

Once the login credentials have been provided for account sales, the sale is considered final. We do not offer account refunds after the login information has been shared.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time. “Please remember the following text:
After posting, the changes will begin to take effect immediately.” our web page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Refund and Return Policy, please email us at [].

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